Tourism (interuniversity: UMA, UA, UCA, UCM, UEX, ULL, Nebrija, UOC, URJC, USC, US, UVIGO)

Economic Analysis of the Tourism Sector

Proposals focused on the economic dimensions of tourism in the context of urban and regional development, tourist mobilities, and new economic models (e.g., collaborative economy, circular economy) are accepted.

Thesis proposal


Research groups
L2.1 Economic structure of tourism
* Analysis of the potential interaction between the development of digitalization processes and the different dimensions of sustainability (Digitainability) in the field of tourism and leisure activities.
* Study of the digitalization and platformization of tourist activities and experiences linked to other economic sectors, local production, gastronomy, crafts, etc.



L2.2 Tourism communication
* Perception of sustainability on social networks or the internet in general, both in relation to the tourism company and the destinations, and how it relates to business aspects, but also of other kinds.

Dr. Lluís Garay


L2.3 Air transport and tourism accessibility
* Aviation and environmental impact.
* Accessibility and air connectivity. Especially in a) remote regions and b) competition in global markets.
* Public policies and market regulation of air transport.
* Impact of digital transformation on passenger experience and management of companies in the aviation sector.


L2.4 Platform economy and tourism
* Analysis of the processes and adaptation strategies of the tourism platform economy (TPE) to the current context of continuous change in Spain. Identification of the vectors on which these adaptation processes are based, the performativities and the modifications in the use strategies of the TPE in various territorial contexts and economic activities.
* Study of the impacts and specific processes of restructuring and reconfiguration caused by the different developments of the TPE in Spain in its main types of tourist destinations (urban, sun and beach, inland), both with regard to the different stakeholders of the activity and in relation to other sectors closely related or that have had an impact (from the primary and industrial sector to other service sectors).
* Identification of good practices derived from social and business mobilization, and innovations in the formulation of public policies and regulation of the phenomenon that pursue the transition of the TPE towards a model that promotes social, economic, and environmental justice.

Dr. Lluís Garay

Dra. Julie Wilson




L2.5 Rural coworking, digital nomadism, and tourist mobilities

* Topics related to rural coworking initiatives, digital nomad practices, and tourist mobilities in the context of new rurality and inland regions.

* Remote work and leisure and tourism activities at destinations; reasons, profiles, and impacts of digital nomadism and workationers on the different types of tourist destinations.

Dra. Julie Wilson

Dr. Carles Méndez-Ortega

Dr. Lluís Garay



L2. 6 Urban flows in tourist destinations
* This research proposal focuses on mobility and urban logistics in tourist destinations. It addresses the study of the sector, as well as the companies operating in it. The main idea is that new (digital) technologies are democratizing access to new products and services, while promising a more sustainable future. However, reality is not always so simple.
Dr. Eduard J. Alvarez Palau SUMAT

L2.7 Spatial Dynamics of Tourism: Policies and Economic Indicators in Urban and Regional Contexts

* This research line investigates the spatial patterns of tourism at both urban and regional levels through the framework of economic geography. It focuses on analyzing how certain economic indicators and policies influence the location and development of tourism. Key areas of study include gentrification phenomena, colocation with certain economic sectors, and the impact of tourism on local territories, with the aim of understanding the complex relationships between tourism dynamics and economic factors in various geographical contexts.

Dr. Carles Méndez-Ortega i2TIC-IA Lab