The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) will be offering the following doctoral programmes:
- Bioinformatics (programme run jointly with the following universities: UAB, UPC, UdG, UdL, UVic-UCC)
There is also the possibility of doing doctoral programmes in the industrial doctorate format, which enables successful applicants to receive grants through agreements with companies. Students doing industrial doctorates will have a supervisor at the university and a tutor in the company.
In order to apply for a doctoral program at the UOC, enter the link of one of our programs and follow these 4 steps:
Call Calendar
2 December 2024: Start of the application period for admission to the doctoral programmes.
3 February 2025: End of the call for applications for access and admission to doctoral programmes.
19 February 2025: Publication of the provisional lists of applications to be assessed. .
19 February to 26 February 2025: Period for appeals of the applications to be evaluated.
28 February 2025: Publication of the final lists of applications to be assessed.
6 May 2025: Publication of the provisional resolution on the accepted online and granted candidates.
6 May to 13 May 2025: Period for appeals of the selection of online and granted candidates.
28 May 2025: Publication of the final resolution on the candidates admitted to the doctoral programmes and those who are granted.
July 2025: Start of the enrolment period 2025-26.
September 2025: Start of the academic year 2025-26.
You can see the calendar for the interuniversity doctoral programme in Business Administration and Management on its web page.

Step 1
Apply for the Welcome and Information Service
Step 2
Access the Campus and contact the researcher
Step 3
Apply for admission
Step 4
Send the digital documentation
No applications submitted after the deadline or without all the correct supporting documents will be accepted. We recommend not waiting until the last moment; this should enable you to deal with any doubts or technical issues that may arise.
For the interuniversity doctoral programme in Business Administration and Management, you should observe the procedures and dates published on its web page.