Webinar (TURBA Lab): "Nature-Based Climate Shelters in Schools"




11/04/2024 17.00h

Organized by

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, IN3's Urban Transformation and Global Change Laboratory (TURBA Lab)


This webinar —organized in partnership with Scientix as part of the COOLSCHOOLS Massive Open Online Course Nature-based Climate Shelters in Schools: Empowering Teachers for Sustainable Education— will provide a brief introduction to the project and an overview of the results of the research conducted to re-emphasise the importance of quality environmental education and the crucial role that nature-based climate shelters can play in supporting it. There will also be explored the benefits of nature-based climate shelters to offer equal access to green spaces to all students, and the best practice for the meaningful involvement of all stakeholders and actors in the implementation and long term maintenance of a nature-based climate shelter.

The audience will be able to share their thoughts and questions in an interactive Q&A session that will count with the participation of Eddy Grand-Meyer (European Schoolnet), Francesc Baró (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)), Filka Sekulova (Coolschools / TURBA Lab) and Elsa Gallez (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)).

The webinar will be recorded and subsequently uploaded to the European Schoolnet YouTube’s Channel.

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