The number of grants available is announced at the call for applications for each year and consists of the following:
- Erasmus grant for European mobility
- UOC supplement to increase the total amount
Students who have been awarded a grant from the UOC are also eligible for an AGAUR grant (MOBINT call for applications), which is held annually and complements the package of Erasmus grants awarded by the UOC.
Once the grants have been allocated under the call for grants, within the framework of the Virtual Campus of the UOC and its Electronic Site, the students awarded a grant will receive instructions on how to prepare for their mobility placement and information on the procedures they need to complete before, during and after their mobility placement.
The UOC has a group of universities and fields of study where students can carry out an Erasmus mobility placement.
Erasmus+ Programme
Interinstitutional agreements for students
Country | University | Erasmus Code | Field of study |
Belgium | Université de Namur | B NAMUR01 | Faculté de Droit (bachelor and master) |
Bulgaria | University of National and World Economy | BGSOFIA03 | Management and Administration Faculty (master) |
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski’’ | BGSOFIA06 | Faculty of Education (master) | |
Cyprus | European University Cyprus | CY NICOSIA24 |
• Department of Education Sciences (bachelor and master) • The School of Business Administration (bachelor and master) |
Open University of Cyprus | CY LEFKOSI01 |
• Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences (master) • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (master) |
University of Nicosia | CY NICOSIA14 |
• School of Humanities & Social Sciences (bachelor and master) • School of Sciences & Engineering (bachelor and master) |
Czech Republic |
Masarykova Univerzita
CZ BRNO05 | Faculty of Arts (master) |
France | Université Bordeaux Segalen | F BORDEAU02 | Sciences Humaines et Sociales Mention Anthropologie Sociale - Ethnologie (bachelor) |
Université Paris- Sorbonne (Paris IV) | F PARIS468 | Faculté des Lettres (master) | |
Germany | FernUniversität | DHAGEN01 | Fakultät für Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften (KSW), Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät (REWI), Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft (WIWI) (bachelor and master) |
University of Limerick
IRLLIMERIC01 | Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (bachelor and master) |
Italy | Università della Calabria | I COSENZA01 |
• Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali (bachelor and master) • Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica (bachelor and master) |
Università degli Studi di Firenze | I FIRENZE01 | Facoltà Lettere e Filosofia (bachelor) | |
Università LUM Jean Monnet | I CASAMAS01 | Dipartimento di Management, Finanza e Tecnologia (MFT) (master) | |
Università di Bologna | IBOLOGNA 01 | Informatica - Scienza e Ingegneria - DISI (master) | |
Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" | I ROMA01 | Facoltà Lettere e Filosofia (master) | |
Latvia | RISEBA university of Business, Arts and Technology | LV RIGA29 | Faculty of Media and Creative Technologies (bachelor and master) |
Poland | AGH University of Science and Technology | PL KRAKOW02 |
• Faculty of Management (bachelor and master)
• Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics (bachelor and master)
University of Białystok | PL BIALYST04 | Faculty of Law (bachelor and master) | |
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan | PL POZNAN01 | Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures (bachelor and master) | |
Portugal | Universidade Portucalense | P PORTO07 |
• Departamento de Ciências da Educação e do Património (bachelor and master) • Departamento de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais (bachelor and master) • Departamento de Direito (bachelor and master) • Departamento de Inovação, Ciência e Tecnologia (bachelor and master) |
Universidade do Minho | P BRAGA01 | Departamento de Informática (DI) (master) | |
Universidade do Porto | PPORTO02 | Departamento de Ciência de Computadores (master) | |
Romania | Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative | RO BUCURES13 | Faculty of Communications and Public Relations (bachelor and master) |
Universitatea Danubius din Galați | ROGALATI02 |
Sweden | Linnéuniversitetet | S VAXJO03 | Faculty of Technology (master) |
Switzerland | Université de Lausanne | CH LAUSANN01 | Faculty of Law (bachelor and master) |
Turkey | Istanbul Aydin University | TR ISTANBU25 |
• Business Administration (bachelor and master)
• Information Technology (bachelor and master)
• Food Engineering (bachelor and master)