Carmen Pagés
Unit Director. PhD in Economics and expert in labour economics.
The Labour Market Research and Analysis Unit (UPAL) was created to generate scientific knowledge about a fast-changing labor market. It therefore seeks to connect the university with companies, organizations and professionals to foster continuous dialogue.
Our mission is to obtain and provide relevant and timely information on labour market demand and requirements in terms of competencies and lifelong learning in different sectors and workplaces, with a regional perspective.
Based on this information and the development of digital tools, we seek to improve the careers of students and alumni and offer courses that suit the needs of individuals and companies.
Unit Director. PhD in Economics and expert in labour economics.
PhD in Economics. Economic research and data analysis.
PhD in Education and ICT. Expert in qualitative analysis.
Marketing specialist and expert in data analysis.
Economist and expert in data analysis.
PhD in Education and ICT. European Higher Education Project lead.
Labor Market Intelligence for Educators (LMI4E)
We provide interactive reports of the labour market for all the UOC's faculties, analysing the relationships between their existing programmes and the demand for competencies in online job vacancies.
Professional GPS
Professional GPS is a virtual career orientation tool to help students and alumni explore the job market, guiding them to set up their professional goals, by showing skills that are in demand, and relevant training options.
Research on micro-credentials
We explore the training needs of people with a focus on short training and micro-credentials. We also participate in producing a flexible, relevant and high-quality micro-credential training offer at the university.
Barometer of Skills and Occupations in Catalonia
The Barometer is a joint initiative of PIMEC and UPAL (UOC). This interactive tool is designed to offer up-to-date information on trends in the demand for occupations, skills and requirements in the Catalan labour market.
Reports of the Barometre of Skills and Occupations of Catalonia