The IN3 welcomes visiting researchers hosted by one of our research groups. Applications must be addressed to the research group. After reaching an agreement with the research group, the visitor candidate will be guided through the internal procedures.
Visiting researchers
The IN3 promotes the temporary incorporation of researchers in order to provide an exchange of experiences, ideas and views with experts in a particular areas of knowledge. In this sense, the IN3 aims to attract researchers in different career stages who will provide new ways of approaching specific knowledge.
Receiving visiting researchers leads to multiple enrichment. It enriches the visiting fellows who join our institution because they have the chance to integrate in an enhanced and multidisciplinary research environment. It also enriches us because it brings the opportunity to learn and share experiences, create new lines of research, and consolidate and expand existing networks.

IN3 commitment
- We provide a desk with a desktop -or you can bring your own laptop.
You will have access to our online library and to the IN3 building facilities (Wi-Fi connection, printer, kitchen, etc.).
Visitors commitment
- Submit a short work plan for the stay agreed with the research group.
- Visiting researchers must secure their own resources for the stay, including the health insurance. The stay does no implies a contractual link with the IN3-UOC.
- Visiting researchers commit to deliver one or two workshops (depending on the length of their stay). For short stays, we recommend to schedule the workshop at the beginning of the stay to facilitate networking with the community.