Hisham Al-Omeisy: "I decided to acquire the tools needed to help save my generation and the next"
Alumnus. Graduate of the Master's Degree in Conflict, Peace and Security
Get to know the UOC community
Alumnus. Graduate of the Master's Degree in Conflict, Peace and Security
Course instructor on the Master's Degree in Education and ICT.
First director of the UOC's Library.
Course instructor of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences.
Recipient of an honorary doctorate from the UOC in 2005.
Principal investigator of the IN3's Digital Commons group.
Alumni of the UOC's Master's Degree in Education and ICT (E-learning). Álvarez was recently awarded the cum laude distinction for his PhD thesis, developed on the UOC's Education and ICT (E-learning) doctoral programme.
Postdoctoral researcher and student of the joint master's degree in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (UOC, UB).